Thought of the Day: People Are Good

The Doomsday Clock may be advancing, but there is still infinite good in the human heart, and peace remains a strong countervailing force.

In such a polarized period of our nation’s history (if not world history), it’s easy to lose sight of the basic goodness which resides deep within each human heart. That goodness often expresses itself in loving kindness, and in this sense there is no disagreement between those who explicitly believe in God, and those who are secular humanists. Both camps can agree that there is something noble at the core of human existence. Some will call it a human quality, others will say it is a divine quality. But loving kindness is one of the things we most urgently need right now. We need not agree on its ultimate source.

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Breaking News: Trump Team Snags A-List Inauguration Talent

Though not well-liked in the performing arts community, Donald Trump once again confounded critics by snagging A-list talent for his inauguration festivities. While some artists like Elton John and Celine Dion declined to appear on ethical grounds, their absence was hardly noticed among the bevy of stars who did turn out to help make America great again. Here’s just a small sampling of the star-studded entertainment to which Trump fans were treated: Continue reading

Barack Obama Song Now On YouTube

Barack Obama farewell tribute video

Whew! Finally finished work on the video and posted it to YouTube. Makes it easy to learn the song, plus I spiced up the intro with some painterly effects and an Obama speech excerpt:

It’s 720p, so if you click on the embedded video’s title bar (upper left), you can watch it on YouTube and choose 720p full screen.

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Gratitude to President Obama

One citizen says goodbye…

Today I found myself mourning the loss of Barack Obama as our President and Commander-in-Chief. It was not an intellectual experience, but an emotional one. As he spoke a farewell address to our military, I found myself recalling how many times I had been moved by this man’s great decency. As an American, I feel deeply grateful to him for eight years of service in which he played the difficult role of President with utmost honesty, dignity, concern, respect for the office, and respect for the American people. Continue reading

Video Help Tutorial

flash-player-3Getting Flash videos to play

I just created a permanent help page with lots of tips on getting Flash videos to play in WordPress. This is aimed at readers who don’t always know how to play the videos embedded in blog posts.

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Prayer for Peace and Peace Resources

It could just be me, but it seems as though the world is going through a particularly turbulent time. Without recounting all the sad and inhumane incidents from recent weeks (and an airport shooting just today), let me say that I feel it. I feel as though misunderstanding, hatred, killing, and warfare are running riot. It pains my heart to see such unrelenting human misery. To pray for peace is something we can all do.

I’m reminded of an incident concerning Abraham Lincoln. Forgive me if I’ve mangled the story in my memory, but it goes something like this:

Just before the commencement of a great battle in which many men might be destroyed, Lincoln stooped to pick up a small insect which had landed on the battlefield, and carried it to safety. “Will anyone really feel better just because you saved that small bug?” someone asked Lincoln. “No, but I feel better,” Lincoln replied.

If our prayer for peace is powerful enough it can change the world. But even if the world remains the same, our prayer for peace can help put us in tune with peace, and bring us a little peace in a world filled with big, bigger, biggest troubles.

Michael Howard

Peace Quote

Right now fear, doubt, anxiety, tension and disharmony are reigning supreme. But there shall come a time when this world of ours will be flooded with peace. Who is going to bring about this radical change? It will be you — you and your sisters and brothers — who will spread peace throughout the length and breadth of the world.

— Sri Chinmoy, as quoted on

Peace Fact

Pope Francis’s traditional Christmas day message repeated the word ‘peace’ over 20 times. Some commentators seemed puzzled by this, but I found it quite natural for one who was invoking peace.

More Peace Resources

“The Joy of Inner Peace, with Sri Chinmoy” (Edge Magazine interview)


The Peace Run

Time For Reflection, with Prof. Alan Spence

We live in hope!

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