Top 10 Anti-Trump Posts

Breaking: Ethics and Spirituality blog endorses Joe Biden.

UPDATED! I’m not much of an activist (more of a satirist, really). But desperate times call for desperate commentary, so I’ve tried to pitch in by demonstrating why Donald Trump is not fit for office. There are folks who make more eloquent spokespeople, or have bigger megaphones, but I try and do what I can.

There’s an erudite discussion going on in some circles about whether or not Trumpism constitutes a form of fascism. We should remember that fascism tends to take on characteristics particular to the nation in which it arises. We should not expect American fascism to look exactly like German or Italian historical varieties.

Regardless of political classification, one thing I know for sure is that Donald Trump is an obnoxious bully. How is it possible that such a man came to be the leader of America? What does this say about our national character?

Although it says much which is unflattering, there is a ray of hope: America is not one thing or another; not this or that. It’s a complex amalgam of forces, and like most nations, it has it’s own personality, not unlike a human personality. It has its own internal struggles which can be likened to the struggle between the id and the superego.

Barack Obama was a superego president. He represented balance, calm, maturity, restraint, intelligence, diligence, empathy, self-control, and a higher vision for America. After eight years of his excellent stewardship, there was a rebellion from America’s dark id. Donald Trump is the id president. He is unbalanced, agitated, immature, impulsive, foolish, lazy, callous, reckless, and blind — lacking any higher vision for America.

The hopeful note is that as the individual gradually progresses through struggle between the id and the superego, so America may progress through periods of strife — flirting with the darkness, but never quite descending into it.

History will look on the Trump reign as an ignominious period; but that doesn’t mean America is an ignominious country. It only signifies that we have our depths, just as we also have our heights.

With the election a week away, I offer my personal endorsement for Joe Biden, because I have faith that he can help restore decency and good character to the White House and our nation, and help repair our reputation abroad. He’ll need plenty of help to do it, so I hope people will elect a democratic ticket. No politician or political party is perfect; but by and large, the democrats as presently constituted represent a more compassionate and inclusive vision for America’s future. This is the direction in which we need to move in order to make progress.

It is in this spirit that I offer links to my Top 10 Anti-Trump posts, plus Dishonourable Mentions.


Donald Trump vs. Ferris Fremont
Trump’s America: Teachers With Guns
Drain the Swamp or Pad the Reptile Fund?
Donald Trump as Mr. Clean
Donald Trump, Stormy Daniels, Kellyanne Conway & Bad Energy
Will The Real Mr. Magoo Please Stand Up?
No, Cuco No!
Trumpy Bear
The Trump-Cohen Reptile Fund
Trump Your Pumpkin!


The Trump Base: Young Fascists In Love
Scott Pruitt Jokes
Is Donald Trump a Sharkophobe?
Forbes magazine unveils Stock Talk with Stormy Daniels
Remembering Teddy Roosevelt in the Era of Trump
Trump’s Mental Fitness: An Expert Opinion
Queen Elizabeth Plans for Trump Visit
Schiller’s Ode To Trump (rude song parody)
Political Potpourri for Presidents Day 2018
What Donald Trump could learn from the Blues Brothers
Anthony Scaramucci: First Day Report Card
Trump vs. Australian PM
The Twelve Days of Trumpster


Lev Parnas Slideshow FUNNY!
In Praise of a Free Press and an Open Society
Scott Pruitt Epitaph
Scott Pruitt Of Mattresses and Moisturizer
Trump Doctors Parody #1
Breaking: Revamped Kodak company announces two new COVID cures
Breaking: Trump Opens New Golf Course on Indian Land
Breaking: Trump Team Snags A-List Inauguration Talent
Shutdown over border wall – Would you believe…
Justice Kavanaugh: Private Swearing-In Ceremony
On Fox News, Giuliani Confirms Slush Fund, Plausible Deniability
A River of Gratitude


Ruminations on Trump’s Visit to Japan
Alan Dershowitz Funny #1
Alan Dershowitz Funny #2
Trump administration: The quality of thuggishness is not strained
Impeachment Memes: T.S. Eliot, Paul Newman, Woody Allen
Two AHCA Memes: Mystery Meat and Dead Parrot
Trump’s new acronym VOICE: What could it stand for?
Operation Faithful Patriot – Genesis of a Name
Donald Trump – A date which will live in infamy!
Attorney General William Barr Funny #1
Tea For The Tillerson – Poison Variety
Donald Trump’s Fave New Fast Food: The Nothingburger
Bad, BAD Federal Reserve Chairman (according to Trump)

Michael Howard

The views expressed are my own, and do not represent any other person or organization.

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  1. Pingback: Donald Trump: Larger Than Life (fantasy art) | Ethics and Spirituality

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